June 23nd 2021


The Filibuster is outmoded and outdated.  It only serves to block progress.

Thoughts flow though my mind. Sometimes I write them down, Sometimes not.  Hornswoggled. Is that a word? It keeps passing through my mind.  I thought recently that when I was in Portland Oregon, I have appied to Portland Murcury fora job. I would have shown them my resume an shown them a copy of an article I wrote for Portland IndyMedia that somehow ended up on the International Indymedia sight. I don't knwo if they would have bee impressed by that or not. It was worth a shot  Ahh well what is passed is passed. I am in a different place now.  It is just as well. Things worked out for me.  I have nothing else to say about that.  Ideas work out, or they don't work out.  We are beig watched. I know it.  I see Police cars frequently.  I wonder about it, but it may not mean anything. Who knows who is watching? 


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