June 19th 2021

Nobody should be above the law. In fact people in high office should be held to  higher standard than others. They should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. 

 We might as well call ourselves a Fascist society since we accept all of these things as normal. We need to change our way of viewing things.  We need to stop seeing these things as acceptable.

 Depression kills. It is a waste of potential. Anything that can be done to get rid of it is a good thing.

    Symbolism has it's place I guess, but what has really changed?  Do Black Lives Matter after all?  Many People in the United states are not being treated equally, and it is because the Police are not being hel accountable.

No one is above the law. Those who instigated January 6th should especially be held accountable. They need to be held up as an example.  This should never happen again.  We cannot allow this to pass. I am sure trump is responsible. I hope he gets his. The truth always comes out.  

We already have Socialism in the United States to a certain extent. corporate welfare is Socialism. EBT is Socialism. Public roads are Socialism. 

the Hover Dam was basically a Socialist project. Public Schools are Socialist etc. It's a matter of how far you go.


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