July 12 2021

 What bothers me is People who drive all the way out to be in Nature and crank up the volume to the pont it disturbs other People who came to enjoy the silence.  Do they really enjoy it more?  Silence is Golden after all

Change is always coming no matter how hard we fight against it. It is about time People did something about the Environment.  It is the only thing we have to live in.

The industrial revolution lead to a great leap in Civilization, but it took us away from Nature. Now we are on the edge of self-destruction.  I can only hope we can pull it out before it's too late. for the sae of my Son and Granddaughter, and all life on Earth.

I used to fantasize about someone who know everything. I was into comic Books and Science Fiction in those days.  What kind of life would you have if you knew everything?  There would be a limit to what you could do. People would probably be intimidated or jealous an refuse to listen to you.  It would probably be an unhappy life.

     A lot of it would depend on your personality to, whether you had good intent or not.

I feel like I am wasting my life.  I just hang out on the Internet and smoke Cigarettes.  These women contact me, but all they ever do is ask for money.  Every single time.  I waste too much money on Cigarettes. It is bad for the health too.  I am going to die from them.  No dinner for me, but I had a goo Breakfast.  I'm not hoping for anything anymore. I don't know what to hope for.  Struggling to survive has never done me any good. I have ceased the struggle.  I am out of energy. The heat is getting to me.  I smell meat cooking. It is late to be cooking.  I guess cooking earlier in the day is not a good thing because of the heat. Mom immediately started smoking as soon as she got away from her mom.  It was an act of rebellion.  She was afraid of Hitler. They were all afraid of Hitler back then.  That Neighbor of mine kittycorner from where I live probably has a Nazi flag on his wall.  This doesn't surprise me.  When you crowd People together, they get on each others nerves and get violent. 


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