July 19 2021

 I walk he Dog.  I practiced Kung Fu. I worked on GIMP.  I communicated with a lot of Friends.  I added a lot of Friends to my friends list.   I need more stuff to do during the day My  father had a lot of Psychology books Transactional Analysis, The Games People Play.  Rogerian psychology. He also had a book called "Man the Manipulator  I think because he wanted to manipulate People.  I think Psychological Therapy is about Power Exchange.  I give you power to manipulate my Emotions and you help me heal.  

     I guess they are  blowing ,me off at Ben Parks and Rec.

Oh well I will fin something else to find that is useful.

Also no Nudity


Leave that out entirely.

The basic value is that you learn to think on your feet  That is useful when a Teacher asks you a question.  When you are in a job interview, and someone asks you a surprise question, You can think quickly and answer. Do not walk up in the middle of a scene and join when there are already Two People on stage.  

It disrupts the scene.  Someone already on stage gets feeling left out.  

     My Grandpa Ray had a fancy mansion in SE Portland  He could afford it because a Municipal Judge


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