June 18 2021
It cerrtainly wasn't Patriotic. The January 6 Assault on the Capitol shows how low the Political riht in this Country has sunk, and they are only going to sink lower. I hope all of the insurectionists have the book thrown at them.
In the long History of Racism in the United States, the treatment of Black People stands out and deserves to be recognized as an issue. We cannot ignore this issue. It needs to be brought up over and over until effective change is brought about.
Keeping corporations out of Politics would be a great thing. Theodore Roosavelt said as much. Government joined with Corporations is the definition of fascism. We have had quite enough of
fascism in this country.
It was disconcerting to me to walk ito a Seven Eleven Yesterday and see that no one was wearing masks. It was hard for me to do, but I took mine off.
That's ridiculous. I am tired of Politicians being bought off so corporations don't have to pay taxes. It wouldn't hurt them to pay at least a small Percentage. They would barely notice anything missing.
I don't know. What does it mean? Mr. Natural says it don't mean shit. It is getting dark. I don't know what else to say. It is hot these days. I will be alone again. I will go to bed soon. That is my plan. I am just filling time right now. Someone talked about fung shway at the Dharma Rain Zen Center years ago. You are not to brihgt are you? Smart enough to write a book anyway. Another day gone by. It is dark. Victor Frankl said meaning no matter what. I don't know if there is e meanig no matter what. I think you have to believe in god to think there is meaning. we find our meaning in our doing. to go . There has to be a way. I have to remember to take my pills. I usually do. Does anyone know me? I have my suspicions. I think I may be getting constipation again. It feels like it. I have wasted so much time in my life. I don't know what else to do. I guess I have no imagination. What do a womans brests mean to her?
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