July 2nd 2021
I've had this experience myself, having both parents working with no time off. It is hard on both parents if one of them has to work. It is even worse if both of them have to.
News o the day:
Cat still gone
Phone connection to Bank cut off
Dog dragged me around the park
I hope he got his ass kicked.. He deserved o no better. It is hard being in traffic in Bend, but honking your horn doesn't make it any better. Maybe if the People who fix up the house moved onto my property, we could share the costs. stove and refrigerator, and Washing machine, etc. Minimize your thirbligs, you will live twice as long or words to that effect No relation at all I suppose. I cant see the relation, How do you know there is any difference if you can't feel any difference? Minimize your thirbligs you will live twice as long or words to that effect. It will give you time enough for love.
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