July 5th 2021
I don't know what to write about. I walked my dog. I spent a time reading about meditation. Hercules came back. He was in the shed an I didn't know it. He could have died in there as it has been very hot the last few days. I have cut back a lot on how many Cigarettes I smoke. I hope I can give up soon. It has been cooler the last few days. The 4th of July was very quiet. He left a trail of bodies behind him It was a cluster fesk. A real mess. I need to clean up. 8 more minutes to go. I don't know what else to write aboit. That is the one true sentance about whqt is going on right now. Ed Norton and the Borne Legacy. I guess the original guy was to expensive to rehire.
I read about Stoicism. I cleaned up. My cat came back. I am so happy The clan has taken over Deschutes County. It just wont work. You have to do some reality therapy and look at how many People we can cram into Bend. I don't know Maybe you could pur a big apartment complex in on this block. I mean they put in that Six story building on the west side. Who knows what might happen. I suppose someone could be payed off at City Hall.
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