June 16 2021
The CIA helps overthrow duly elected governments because they are socialist, and the People have to flee. Where are they supposed to go. We leave them no optons. We don't want them n the Unted States even though we created the problem.
Meanwhile Priests rape young boys and the church enables it.
Where is the money supposed to trickle down from that the CONservatives kept talking about? It isn't obviou8sly. Let us never hear about trickle down economics again. They need to change there tac or we aew in trouble.
I don't know. Sitting and sharng on facebook, and occasaonally typing something. What am accomplishing? What changes?
What power do I have? I don[t need power but I want to make a difference in the
world. It's quet now. Marie is upstairs
sean is in the bedroom with gretchen. Margie is moving out in a week. I will miss her even though we didn't get along very well.
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