July9th 2021
Do we want a Society where human life has value? You mean like a Christian Society, or a Muslim Society, or a Jewish Society, or a name our religion Society? When do we start valuing life over money? What is if going to take? the end of all life on Earth?
Franklin Graham is a Legacy of Billy Graham's Crusade. Only he has gone way off the Deep End. He has been bought off. Jesus would not approve. I wonder how much his suit costs? Not to mention his car. He is going to have a lot of splanin to do.
Human beings are just crappy. Some of them grow out of it, but still. Animals better. Much better Animals abide, and don't hate unless mistreated. Some People are born nasty. trump comes to mind. There isn't any hope for him at this point. I suppose anyone can change, even trump. People watch my videos , but don't say anything. My videos are simple and straight forward. I don't try to do many fancy tricks with them. The Victorians cheeseburgers used to be better. I think they have had a chnge of management. I will stick to the English Muffin dishes from now on. Remy got a trip to the Park this Morning, but not this Evening. I just didn't feel like it. Too headachy. I need to shave every day Iwil end up with a beard again. Monmouth is just a bad town. It is. I wish I could have gone to a better College. I've done that some times, mistaken one time for another. It doesn't happen often.. I don't knnow why. I need to do something about these flies.
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