Weitere Gedanken

-----To be a Christian is to stand against white nationalism

These right wingers ae are not even close to being Christian.They do not follow the teachings of Jesus at all. They are not Christian.  Call yourself something else. I have known people who called themselves christians who were so full of anger and hatred and judgement, Jesus would not recognized them except as his persecutors.
All  The republicans want is for corporations to benefit, and the Democrats want the little guy The Salt of the Earth to benefit.
I'm the little guy so I'm with the Democrats. 
I guess these protesters Think they will just  shoot the Covid 19 .
 stupid people going  to a partiy in the middle of an epidemic. I have a hard time feeling sorry .
I hope Glen Beck gets it.
He wants people over 50 to make the ultimate sacrifice.
He should  make the  ultimate sacrifice. Good ridance to him. What  a detriment to society.
Don trump wants to cut off funding for Disabled people on Social Security.  How about WE cut off funding for corporations living off the fat of the military industrial complex,or corporate wellfare?
Somebody is watching me alright.  There was this  football shaped thing I  saw during the blood moon. I was sitting at Jackin the Box on Third Street in Bend and I was facing west. there was a black object in the ski sky above downtown bend. It was painted black and was probably only visible to me because of the Blood moon, a full moon. I guessed it to be about 40  feet accross. I think it was one of those drones you hear about. 
My friends son said there were were drones above Bend all the time.
Meanwhile the world goes on. I guess it's fortunate I  live in a fairly isolated part of the world.  Bend is a big city
But not that big of a city.
Eisenhower was a great President. He was a Republican, but the the Party has changed a lot since then.
Greed has done that to the republican party
Greed is evil it is going to destroy us all.
.i wonder if all those vote blue no matter who people will back Bernie when the time comes.
Everybody wants money, I want money.  i dont want to spend money, I want money coming in.
I hope Bernie wins.
 We need a man like him in the White House.
I'm tired of agism. Agism is every bit as bad as racism or sexism.
Ageists don't deserve any respect.
They are not willing to respect the wisdom of their elders
The  Brain keeps runnig but no words pass accross. How did they come up the the splet split  brain. the right side is creative and holistic and the left hemisphere is verbal and linear.
Brocas area on the Left side is for producing language, and Vernickies area is for Understanding language.

Maybe someone culd do a study.
Studys are hard to do. It is hard to come up with accurate information.
Capitalism: taking the most from people while giving the least in return. Greed uber alles.
Damn you trump you evil monster. There is no word for how foul and repulsive you and the republicans are.
Get this  guy out of office
And every republican with him.
It is important to take sides Eli Weisel said.  Refusing to take sides belps only the oppressor never the oppressed
I''d raather die honorably by a murder hornet sting
Sounds like a Blues song
we are up to about 90 Thousand people dead and still people on the internet ask if I know someone personally that hs died of corona virus.
 I don't have to know someone who has died in an auto accident to know they have died I had a cousin who died in an  auto accident.
  I had a person tell me their son  died in an auto accident and I  believed her.
 Auto accidents are reported on the news
They happen
The virus is true
William Barr is throwing out the Flynn case. What a great leader of justice he is not. I can't stand that immoral toad of a man.
they just keep taking and taking and expect no consequences We will not forgive or forget.
 Do you think I couldn't figure out what was going on?  I figured it out really quickly. Fool me for a while okay.  I will catch on anyway.
How much of an effort will you expend to trick me again? I will figure it out anyway, and you will have to start over again.  .
 No good luck to you.
 worst wishes.
Decency.  That will be my slogan.
  Stop that if you can.
 I know you can't 
I am  reason and knowledge and they will defeat you all. There is no way for you to stand against it.
Reason is leagon.
"So lts get this straight: Black men are shot for jogging, but white men can bring AR-15s inside State Capitols?
Rober Reich
Jep.  You got that right.  It is a totally unbalanced racist society. We need to chnge things at the root.
 We need to change the way children are taught.
We need to find some way to get parents to raise their children properly.
Be careful of contributing to Political Action commities
Some of them are frauds
I only contribute to individual candidates that support the causes I believe in. The thousands of registered Political Action Commitees should not be trusted.  I contribute through Act Blue and pretty much always give a tip. My Preferred candidate Are  is Bernie Sanders, Jeff Merkly and AmyMcGrath.
Michiga is working to change the law that allows openly carrying rifles at the State Capitol
I hope the Michigan legislature is successful.  What the those protestors did was not peaceful assembly. 
It is not protected under The Constitution
It was terrorism.  They had no right to do that.
 The State Legislature should be allowed to pass laws without feeling intimidated.
Qualified Immunity
Makes it easier for officers to kill or injure without punishment
Sotommayor "They can shoot first and think later"
Police officers don't face punishment and they know it
They beecome judge, jury, and executioner.
Hucksterbee doesn't talk like he has a brain in his head. 
He has no clue about how diseases are spread. 
I hope everyone in his family gets infected.
He Preaches  about religion on TBN and has no clue what Jesus was about. 
I know more about Jesus was about than he does.
And by the way Mike your daughter is still a Pathological Liar.
Trump wants elderly people to prove they are still disabled in order to continue to Qualify for Social Security
For one thing elderly people have a hard time finding a job
For another they are disabled. Nobody wants to hire them.  This is just a long line in trumps cruelty game. He will stop at nothing to hurt vulnerable people.
John Mitchell was attorney general under Richard Nixon
And he went to jail
Barr deserves jail time for what he has done.
I hope we get some decent people into power to try and convict him.
He is the worst Attorney General ever.
He kissed up to Don trump and got a cherry job
And Epstein dies under suspicious circumstances.
For one thing
Never forget the many republicans who stood in defence of a Traitor
All of them voted against Impeaching Don trump
They make themselves Traitors by backing him
Where would we be now if republicans had stood against him and kicked him out?
There would be many more people alive now that is for sure.
Kindness and compassion make good people
It's hard to find good people these days
Practice kindness and compassion a little every day and it will grow in you
I have learned to be kind and compassionate in this way
Kindness coasts nothing, and people appreciate it.
Animals appreciate it too.
If you are kind to animals, they will be kind
We are going to re-open America and we are going to have another wave as happened in 1918.  People need to learn to practice patience and endurance.
It is going to require discipline to get through this
Folks in the United States are entitled and think they should be able to do what they want when they want it.  It is going to lead to long term pain.  There will be many painful lessons until we learn what we need to do.



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