Thoughts in May

-----To be a Christian is to stand against white nationalism
These right wingers ae are not even close to being Christian. /they do not follow the teachings of Jesus at all. They are not Christian.  Call yourself something ell else. I have known people who called themselves christians who were so full of anger and hatred and judgement, Jesus would not recognized them except as his persecutor
Read my lips
J George H W Bush was a trickle down mistake for this country.  He didn't go for enough to fix the crap that Raygun created.In spite of my failings as a human being, I've got the best interests of the future of Bend and central Oregon at heart.
Covid 19 still in the news big time along with how people who stay home will be get payed. The republicans and want the corporations to benefit, and the Democrats want the little guy to benefit. I'm the little guy so I'm with the Democrats.
I'll just shoot the Covid 19 yeah. stupid people going yo to a partiy in the middle of an epidemicc.  I have a hard time feeling so sorry . I hope Glen Beck gets it. He wants people over 50 to make the ultimate sacrifice. He should make the ultimate sacrifice. Good riddance to him. What  a detriment to society.
Have a nice work  day. be healthy. The Internet has come a lopng way. a few yeaars ago it was all text. now videos anf mudiv music and audio. ee etc. Homeless people
It's a peace of cake. Wild wild life. Thought control. wild wild life. Hermiony Granger. Hermiony Hermiony let us sing harmony
Jenifer Junifer la la la la la. What was ghe nbam b name of that singer? It doesn't matter. Does any of it matter. the important thing is that I don't get sick. I don't want to get sick and die. I don't want Jeremy or Libby to get sick and die.
Makin' Love outa nothin at all.
My head feels empty.
. I am afraid that my son and grand daughter may get  sick from the virus.
Please don't push me aside. Heart of cl glass. She is a great singer. I love her music. I need to change the  I don't know what to do. There is so much  going on in m personal life as well as in the world. the corona virus is screwing everything up. I don't know what I am having for Breakfast tomorrow. I guess I will have a  the rest of that breafast burrito. if  there is anything left. Get it together people. cut the crap.
Somebodies watching me alright.  There was this  football shaped thing I sa saw during the blood moon. I was sitting at Jackin the Box on Third Street in Bend and I was facing west. there was a black football shaped object in the ski sky above downtown bend. It was painted black and was probably only visible to me because of the Blood moon, a full moon. I guessed it to be about 20 feer feet accross and  shaped like a football. I think it was one of those drones you hre here about.  My friends son said there were drones above Bend all the time.
I stopped  to eat popcorn because I ran out of things to say
I'm ready for to fade. Meanwhile the world goes on. I guess it's fortunate I  live in a fairly isolated part of the world.  Bend is a big city
But not that big of a city. there are 30 sick people in the hospital with the virus I've got this old picture of my son when he was about ten that sayts love you granma and gran Sherries'mom is in the Hospital She is sick. I gave her and her mom best wishes. I didn't know what else to say. Biden looks for a  like a bad choice for a candidate. Her has a history of molesting women.  It is even said he raped a woman. I saw a video where the woman was talking about her experience. I nevr liked Biden anyway. I've
I lost trak pf what I was talking abojut.
Song sung blue weepein like a willow.  Sleepin on my my pillow. That guy that sells the my pillow. I hope he gets the virus. La s  fine but it aint home.
It aint home to me anyway.  Biden is losing it and still  still people back him. What is wrong with people.  Can't they deal with the truth that is in front of him .  Ike Eisenhower was a great President. He was a Republican, but the the Party has changed a lot since then. Greed s is evil it is going to destroy us all. I pause.
I'm just tired and bored with myself.  You can't  start a fire without a spark. I wonder if all those vote blue no mater who  people will back Bernie when the time comes.
I just a bird dancing to music. It's the last thing I saw. Ya ya yaya
anyway. She says at the end of th her show. I would walk a thousand miles just to fall down at your door. I will get the proclaimers up, and we will listen to that song.  I know I am right. I don't know what you mean by that. Neal DeGrasse tyson does a great job of translating physics into language ordinary people can understand.
Baby you sound good to me
Lucy Hale. Sexy and multi talented.  Songs and Acting. I've never seen her acting , but her songs are great. I' need a good cheap word processor program .  How much is this going to coast me. IF i WANT  to make money as a writerl?  Everybody wants money, I want money.  i dont want to spend money, k I want money coming in. I wonder whatever happened to Jeff? He was i in bad shape when I left him. k He cul couldn't hole hold a job. His body was broken.  I hope he got soe some kind of welfare. He c9uld  could play the guitar. He was good at that.  Back in the Coast Guq Guard I met him doing a play at poinn Point Reyes California. T
An I phone tsunami.  Yeah I guess so. There are plenty of people in the world who want to buy Iphones.  I wuld do anything for love. I'd riun right into hell and bavk.  I wouldn't lie to you and that's a facty. Were not gonna take it.  I hope Bernie wins.  We need a man like hi  him in the White House. Learn to listen faster next time. I've only got a few years. left.  You think it's a joke. You are an ageist. Ageists don't deserve any respect They are not willing to respect the wisdom of their elders. I've got an education in education, and a degree in Psychology from Western Oregon STate Colage. I don't k ow what n ae name it goes by now.  I've been keeping food and Cigar ashe away from my computer.
Will you take me right out of this god forsaken town. I can do  that.  But Bend is not a God forsaken town.  It is a beautiful town it is on it's way by being destroyed by ugly monstrosities like that t 6 story thng of Century Drive.  I don't know how they figurte people are going to get onto Century Drive. It's a very busy street.  Somebody at i City Hall was not planning very well.
I have to pay my Utility Bill tomorrow. I am behind again. I always get these bills at the end of the month when I have np money. What I need is some way money can be withdrawn from my accouont at the First of eacch month when I acturlly have money. Apperantly you are totally lqacking it cr3eativity and should not hqave have your job
I can do that. I a can do anything with love.  She didnt invest well. Silly girl. Now she has to hold two jobs. I would like to whip her into unconciousness.  I know she is faking unconciousness but it looks fun . I wish the whipping were more real . It looks like he is uso using a rope.;  I could go in on Saturday and pick up a new Source paper. I don't know what to say. It is so agrivating.  Women are impossible.  I don't understand women.  I gave up on them long ago. I am tired of being fooled. I will NOT be fooled again. Mark Kelly's contributions jumped by Thousands of Dollars just now all because3 of me . I am a Geniurs dammit. Screw you all. We need to
I am ready to go anywhere. I am ready for to fade. Into my own pare parade cast your dancing spell my way. I promise to go wandering.
I remembefr whipping myself for hours at a time in the basement of an apartment in Portland Oregon. I had a cat of nine tails that I ba\ought at Sparticus Leather on Bernside street. I was distracted by this notice thatg Ice agents are ignoring Federal law. We truly have an impore immoral and ilegal Administration.  I hope there is a Hell for them to burn in. I qNT TO BE ONE OF  the whippers that tortures them. I only get off on whipping women though. so there is that I am ruinnig o running out of steam trying to come upu up with words to finish my 5 minutes with. I do'
And then she said, it's time for bed
She told me she worked in the morning and started to laugh
I told her I didn't and crawled off to sleep in the Bath
Oh weel well I
 I've run out of steam again.  How is it that my mind turns off like that? The Bri Brain keeps runnig but no words pass accross. How did they come uup the the splet split  brain. the right side is creative and holistic and the left hemisphere is verbal and linear.
Brocas area on the right side is for understanding language, and Vernickies area is for producing language. I might hq have that backwards. My arms are tired. I cn can't practice playing piano for more tham than 5 minutes at a time before my arem arms get too tired to play. I wonder if that happens to every piano player who gets to be over 60.  Maybe
Maybe someone culd do a study. Studys are hard to do. It is hard to come up with accurate data.
The Bri Brain keeps runnig but no words pass accross. How did they come uup the the splet split  brain. the right side is creative and holistic and the left hemisphere is verbal and linear.
Brocas area on the right side is for understanding language, and Vernickies area is for producing language. I might hq have that backwards. My arms are tired. I cn can't practice playing piano for more tham than 5 minutes at a time before my arem arms get too tired to play. I wonder if that happens to every piano player who gets to be over 60.  Maybe
Maybe someone culd do a study. Studys are hard to do. It is hard to come up with accurate data.
The Bri Brain keeps runnig but no words pass accross. How did they come uup the the splet split  brain. the right side is creative and holistic and the left hemisphere is verbal and linear.
Brocas area on the right side is for understanding language, and Vernickies area is for producing language. I might hq have that backwards. My arms are tired. I cn can't practice playing piano for more tham than 5 minutes at a time before my arem arms get too tired to play. I wonder if that happens to every piano player who gets to be over 60.  Maybe
Maybe someone culd do a study. Studys are hard to do. It is hard to come up with accurate data.
We'll fight you ' ll see

Capitalism: taking the most from people while giving the least in return. Greed uber ales
Even a Capitalist like Coprbyn Corbyn dispises 3M.  d
P!nks Three Year old Son has Corona virus. Thjat That is too hyou young. Damn you trump you evil monster. Thereis no work word for how foul and evil hyou and the re;u reppassublicans are. There is nobody at th3 VA clinci in Bend when I go in.  The Virus effet efect effectsz everything. I Can't type. I really nenn need to learnb how to type better. All women are bitches.  There was this tyyping tether teacher who forgot I was typing and made me go beyond the 2 minute time. Then mocked me for doing a bad l job. I had a [r Problem with one leltter. It may have been the I letter. Oh well. What is [a past is past. I can't go on like this .  If Jeremie or Libby suffer in anyw way because of the viruis, someont is going to get hurt.  I mean Livingston maybe since I know he is a republican. I would like to run to replace him on the city council but I am sure there are better persons than I to hold that position. I guess the me3e meeting couldn't start until Livingston got there
I wonder if they rushed a bunch of people in to keep me from getting my full three mijnutes. Look everybody needs a place to live. I understand, but. Give me a break. Does everbo everybody have to move to Bend. It is going to be impossible. There is not going to be enough water in the   flowing down from the          Cascades to accomodate 270,000 People. people will die. You know I get sev4r several psychiatric medications including stuff for my Thyroid.  Would I be elib elligible to give plasma?
My Six Year Old didn't change the friggen clocks.  Hey. The adult is supposed to do that. seed ing a fertilizing the ground with my words. I don't know. Thjere are mor4e important things than your car. Don't rush at e l  like that. i WILL CALL trhe the Plice Police. Thj There is a law aganst menacing. I'm too tired to go on. I'm going to stop now.
Well it's all right. Even if the push comes t shove.
It is going to come to shove i'm sure. People playng games a l ot these days. That woman at the writi9ng procti practice Seminar . I guess it sa scares people if I wa wear my "Crqazy Crazy Not Stupid" Hoody. It is a Hoody not a sweater. I was going to reaad my little nightmare to to Margie but she went back  upstairs. This is rediculous Margi3 w says. Can you be patient just a few days. They will be moving . Oh a torch. That doesn't sound safe at all. Alle ist in ordinung. If I had showered everyday. I bu guess I left my cigarretes out in the Car. margies cigarettes actually.  I saw a psychology proffesor up at PSU. I guess he was looking for a new job. I hope he found one.


I paused. I couldn't think of what to say. I guess I said everything I have to sq say on the subject.
My Heart hurts so much. I am at an end. I don't see much hope with things. I do't k ow what to do. Every thing seems so bad. At least i TOOK MY DOG FOR A WALK TODAY. He needs to get out more. There are manyt important things I need to do. That sean is a theif. I kow he snuck in my room and stole from me on a couple of occasions.  Don't trust him. I wasted 25Dollars on downloading a sex video. I will never trust Vermeerwroks again. I am burning in my chest. I am on fire. I may need to change myt water out in my CPAP. I never drink anymore, but I bou8 bou8ght Tequila so Margie could have some. I am so angry at her. It is always something with her. I wish she would shut up and stay away from me. I am fed up. B Be specific she said. Is that specific enough for you?  Work Projects Administration? Like is the 30s? She goes out and plays guitar and sings to the pu li  for pay?
Too much for you? Instead we should have no talent bum CEO concengr concentrateing welt wealth in one place. and doing no good for the ecconomy.  I'm talkong about the commonweall.
Get this fucking guy out of office
And every republican with him. and every centerist Democrat. It is important to take sides Eli Weisel said.  Refusing to take sides belps only the oppresor, never the oppressed.
I don't knmow. I'm just feeling worn down. Maybe we could save it for a year. The wood I mean.  We could have fire all hear year long. Every night.  I don't want to keep on  I don't know if this helps or not. People could check back in my blog from time to time to see if I have added anything new.  I invite you to check out my youtube channe
I''d raather die honorably by a murder hornet sting
Sounds like a Blues song
Nah, you dont want to be with mem. I got too many issues..   I got too many issues I got minus $100 in the bank, and I owe $198 Dollars .  I would swear to this in the Supreme Court, or any other Court in the land. First Interstate Bank in the Eightys was a criminal organization becaue it stole from it's customers/ Who knows what they got away with back then. I don't know I guess I'm just tired these days.  I keep stoping without anything to say. Mi My mind keeps working, but nothing comes out. Ronda is having an issue. My back hurts. I need to stop slouching, or I''m going to need a back brace the way trump does.

What color do you see me as?
I see red myself
most of the time I see. red I am angry about the nature of things

we are up to over 72 Thousand people dead and still people on the internet ask if I know someone personally that hs died of corona virus. I don't have to know someone who has died in an auto accident to know they have died I had a cousin who died in an  auto accident.  I had a person tell me their son  died in an auto accident and I  believed her. Auto accidents are reported on the news How about we report every individual that was killed by gunfire in the United States and show every one  their photos on the evening news every night, especially  after as Mass shooting?  They have programs on MSNBC about people who have been murdered every weekend. Why not after Mass shootings?


William Barr is throwing out the Flynn case. What a great leader of justice he is not. I can't stand

that sycophantic toad ao of a man.  what a loser.  He will be the first up against the By any means necessary. That's what I say. that is what it is coming to.

they just keep taking and taking and expect no consequences We will not forgive or forget.

I need to focus. Bella needs to go outside for a nighttime toilet break. The poop doesn't accumulate so fast when I clean up every two days.  It doesn't take any time at all. It doesn't take any time to wash the dishes either.


That's what we are up to now.  By any means necessary.  We are coming for you all. Do you think I couldn't figure out what was going on?  I figured it out really quickly. Fool me for a while okay.  I will catch on anyway. How much of an will you expend to trick me again? I will figure it out anyway, and you will have to start over again.  . No good luck to you. worst wishes. Decency.  That will be my slagan.  Stop that if you can.. I know you can't  I am rekasok  reason and knowledge and they will defeat you all. There is no way for you to stand against it. Reason is leagon.
I am running out of steam
"So lts get this straight: Black men are shot for jogging, but white men can bring AR-15s inside State Ca[oitols?"
Rober Reich
Jep.  You got that right.  It is a totally unbalanced racist society. We need to chnge things at the root. We need to change the way children are taught. We need to find some way to get parents to raise their children properly.
Be careful of contributing to Political Action commities
Some of them are frauds
I only contribute to individual candidates that support the causes I believe in. The thousands of registered Political Action Commitees should not be trusted.  I contribute through Act Blue ande pretty much always give a tip. My Preferred candidate is Bernie Sanders, Jeff Merkly and AmyMcGrath.
Michigah is working to change the law that allows openly carrying rifles at the State Capitol

I hope the Michigan legislature is successful.  What the those protestors did was not peaceful assembly.  It was terrorism.  They had no right to do that.. The State Legislature should be allowed to pass laws without feeling intimidated.
Qualified Immunity
Makes it easier for officers to kill or injure without punishment
Sotommayor "They can shoot first and think later"
Police officers don't face punishment and they know it
They beecome judge, jury, and executioner.

Hucksterbee doesn't talk like he has a brain in his head.  He has no clue about how diseases are spread.   I hope everyone in his family gets infected. He Pontificates about religion on TBN and has no clue what Jesus was about.  I know more about Jesus was about than he does. And by the way Mike your daughter is still a Pathological Liar.
Walked my dog twice, but forgott to do the app the second time, so now I have no record. It was the longest of the day too.
I figured out I can do writing practice for two minutes, and come up with material that fits into a tweet usually.
It was a nice sunny day. Hot. My great Grand Father was a wook cuttir.  I was very important work in it's day because people survived on keeping warm in the winter mostly from Firewood.
H would record the days weather each day in his Journal.  It must have interested him a lot since he was out doors working. Iwish I knew where that diarly was. Someone stole a photo allbum from the time of World War II that my Father had made up. Iam really angry about that. I think about that book alot. I guess I will never see it again.  I need to get passed it.


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