May 3rd
Evangelicals would sell Jesus out for the sake of Money and power
religionists is as religionist does
These governors shouldn't be swayed by these protests
It's government by ballyhoo
A small group of people are trying to run things
The tyranny of the minority
Don trump says you are supposed to pray for his re-election rather than the corona virus being cured . Their it is right in front of us. narcissism. He is the center of the Universe. Well it goes to show, it doesn't matter how talented hyou are. It matters that you put yourself out there and promote yourself. it Has worked for Don trump very well. He made it to the highest office in the land by promoting himself, not by having any talent.
I guess I was distracted. I haven't been paying any attention. Now I am outraged. My anger motivates me to act. The more I see, the more I am motivated to act.
The First Step to fighting Corona Virus is to through your TV out the window.
Yeah. No Joke
You can get information about the Corona Virus online
Be careful where you get it though
Whereis the Deep State?
Does it Pay anything?
How do I sign up?
There has to be a way to edit out the Presidents' Garbage. just do a report on what he said with fact checking. I'm sure it makes for great ratings showing trump liing to the public every day, but come on.
These potesting Terrorists with Confederate Flags and Nazi Flags. They are the representatives of Two failed causes. The people who followed them were all slaughter for no good purpose. Failures both. Not worthy of respect. Worthy of laughter only. Only they are scary people, because they are not thinking clearly..
They may never be capable of thinking clearly. They are the kind of people who vote for Don trump and republicans in general. These people probably need to lock up their guns because somebody is going to get hurt.
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