Thoughts about April 15, 2020

I am in hot water with some Never-Biden people on Facebook.  They want to unfriend everyone who isn't a never Biden person. I said I was going to respect the fact that Bernie endorsed Biden and suupport Biden . I got a letter from a collection agency that says I owe Verizon 196 Dollars because I missed a  payment. I  am so tired of these phone Companies. it was my fault though. I didn't read the letter from Verizon that I was behind in my  payments.  That's pretty typical of me though.........
Vlads' Dick is limp again. a Russian Jet Fighter crossed in front of an american Jet.  Stupid manuever. They could both have been killed. I would not want to be a fighter pilot. That is a dangerous and complicated plane.
There was a writer named Bach who wrote Jonathon Livingston seagull. He was a pilot in the Air Force before he took up writing.
He wrote a book about a flight in a jet fighter from England to Germany during the time of the Soviet Union. He had to transport  some paperwork for an officer. He nearly crashed in heavy  weather. It was called Stranger to the ground
I was impressed by his memory of the details of the flight. I guess that's why he became a famous writer in his time. There was was also a book he wrote about flying from farm tp farm and giving people rides in a biplane at $10 a pop. He met a guy who did the same thing and they traveled together for a while. It turned out he was the secone second coming of Jesus and he ended up being shot with a shot gun, then came back to life. i liked the story.-
I'm running out of steam and my Cohiba Cigar keeps going out. I keep having to light it with my Lighter from the  3rd Street Liquor Store where I bought the Cigar.


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