Over Population

I am tired of these religions that encourage women to pump out babies like they are so much cattle. 
These religions that encourage baby pumping are not rational and deserve no respect.
We live in a World that has over 6 Billion people in it and still these religions encourage mindless baby pumping. In fact they do everything they can to discourage sane birth Control.
The root cause of pollution in the world, the root cause of Global Warming is overpopulation.  It is unconcionable of religion in this modern day and age for these modern day religions to encourage practices that encourage overpopulation and thus pollution.
Modern religions would be wise to encourage use of modern birth control methods to stop population growth. If religious leaders want there to be any life on Earth left, they need to encourage wise application of Birth Control methods.
What's the difference between any animal that doesn't use birth control and a woman that doesn't use birth control? There is none.


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