August 12 2021

 You know

Historically about revolutions

There's always a counterrevolution waiting behind it

Maybe it's time webreak the cycle

Practoced Keyboard

Studied Song writing



I think I will make myself Spaghetto Dinner

I'm hungry now

It's good to keep yourself a little hungry

They didnt take my broken down car toay 

they were supposed to take my crar.  Are they ever going to get that engine in so they can work on my car?

He told me I was legally blind at the Ophthalmologists and shouldn't be driving at all.

I hope they get me a goo engine for my car, but what can I do I cant control everything.  I think they are cooking the books a YouTube. I know for example I get a longer percentage of view time.  there are also probably a lot more people that view the videos than the numbers show.  Everything changes ,  and we all turn to dust.  I've got to get a new battery and name tag for Rey tomorrow.  he crossed the fence and got down the street.  Everything changes, I guess it does.  Down the Street they are building a new Les Schwaab 

Tire Center.  I wonder what that is going to do to traffic?  


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